The little mouse couldn’t believe his eyes! Who was this creature with terrible claws, terrible teeth in his terrible jaws? He has knobbly knees and turned-out toes, and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. His eyes are orange, his tongue is black; he has purple prickles all over his back....

“Oh Help! Oh No!”

“It’s a GRUFFALO!”

“My favorite food!
“the Gruffalo said,
“You’ll taste so good on a slice of bread!”

“Good? Don’t call me good!”
“I’m the scariest creature in this deep dark wood. Just walk behind me and you’ll soon see, everyone is AFRAID. OF. ME.”

“Oh sure!” Said the Gruffalo, bursting with lols. “You lead the way, and I’ll follow after.”

Who do you think you’ll run into first?