Kevin Huynh

Silence Among the Stars is an exhibit that explores various theories about why humanity has yet to encounter other intelligent life beyond Earth. These theories aim to offer potential solutions to the Fermi Paradox: if there is a high possibility of intelligent life in the universe, where is all the evidence?

About the Posters

Each theory I researched for this project felt surreal to me. Rather than depicting these theories in a straightforward, show-and-tell manner, I created abstract interpretations that convey more depth and feeling, visualizing the mood I felt when learning about these theories.

AR Demonstration

Try it out yourself!


Programs Used

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Aero, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, Garageband, Figma (FigJam)

The Freebies

The freebies at my exhibit included bookmarks for each theory, tassels for the bookmarks, and a card that a viewer can take to experience the exhibit at home.

The Music

Creating an ambient track for the AR portion of the project was a new and thrilling experience for me. Despite having no background in music, I decided to take a leap and try my hand at creating a couple of sound effects and a simple ambient track using Garageband’s native instruments, hoping to encapsulate the feeling of space and the unknown. I nicknamed this track “solace.” You can hear this track during the AR experience!

Hi, I'm Kevin... the designer!

I’m a graphic design major with a minor in psychology. While I enjoy experimenting with various mediums, I primarily focus on digital illustration. My work emphasizes on creating vibrant, dynamic compositions with a strong use of color.

@kevcolor (on all socials)