Valeria Uribe | UNL Capstone

Valeria Uribe


In a world where the topic of menstruation is often silenced or discomforting, She’s Here seeks to break through the taboo and provide females with the confidence to celebrate this new journey.


This product aims to address the preparation of young females for puberty by improving school curriculum and fostering open communication between educators, students, and their families. This box is designed for students ages nine to 11 years old to create a positive and informational experience around puberty and menstruation. The box includes various aspects presented in a booklet like manner of puberty, such as body changes, hygiene practice, emotional well-being, and menstrual hygiene products. Furthermore this box presents the four different phases of menstruation for a young person going through this journey through cards. They can reference small cards to know what each phase holds. In the future, these assets are expanded by teachers or nurses to make sure the information is correctly presented. The goal of this product is to allow this conversation to be more open between others. This is emphasized through a signed verification card that is to be returned to the teacher to indicate that the conversation has been had. Overall, this product helps fill in the gaps in menstruation and empowers young females.

A special thank you to the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts for financially supporting this project.