1 / 11 / 2016

Posted by | January 12, 2016 | Ally Frame | No Comments

My first thoughts on this course, “Maybe I should drop this class. I’m terrified.”

I was just exposed to so much information that I am not at all comfortable with. That combined with my pre existing confusion towards websites made me want to run away. But after having time to let the information settle and getting time to mess around on WordPress I can officially say I AM EXCITED.  Actually seeing some code written out and seeing how changing little pieces can change the entire look of something is super cool. It’s like this whole other language and knowing how to work with it is like the equivalent of going to Spain and speaking fluently with the citizens there.

Some things I already learned;

What’s a post, how to make one, and how to categorize them.

What’s a page, how to make one, how to import an image, and how to make some basic edits to layout.

What’s CMS (content management system) and how it relates to WordPress users.

I’m feeling pretty comfortable navigating around WordPress now and am figuring out how you are able to customize it. I can’t wait to be able to make a website for my portfolio and am excited to see what doors open up for me after learning more in this class.



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