Ah, a new semester and the next chapter in the development of my designer skill set. Only this chapter starts with this (my very first) blog post. Here we go!
Excited as I am to begin learning how to program a website, I am nervous because I know how important this opportunity is. Graphic design may be a broad field of practice, but almost no one, in todays society, will give me the time of day without at least a beginners knowledge in programing. So, why not learn it just in case – right?
Luckily I get to start by using technology that allows faster and easier control over my database. This technology is called the content management system (CMS). What I will be focusing on is CSS. Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a different language than HTML and focuses more on the aesthetic of the web page. It’s only getting easier and easier but we still have a long way to go.
Cheers to what’s to come.