Chapter 2 was once again heave with information. A lot of the chapter discussed style sheets who and you can fully form websites through them. Some things I have taken away from this chapter that I think are important to remember:
• style sheets are made up of the selector (web page element that the browser formats) and the declaration block (actual formatting instructions).
• A style sheet can be one of two types–internal or external. (Most of the time they’re used as external because it collects all your style info in a single file that you then link to a web page with just a single line of code.)
• An internal style sheet is a collection of styles that’s part of the web page’s code. It always appears between opening and closing HTML <style> tags in the page’s <head> portion.
•An external style sheet is nothing more than a text file containing all your CSS rules. It never contains any HTML code—so don’t include the <style> tag. In addition, always end the file name with the extension .css.
Over all, I love how the book shows great examples and goes into depth with the different kinds of style sheets and when and how to use them.