Chapter 2 :
We read about style sheets–which each contain a selector and declaration block. Each declaration contains a property and a value. i.e. {color:red}. A collection of styles compromises a style sheet (sounded similar to paragraph and character styles in inDesign). There are two types: internal and external style sheets. Internal are not as efficient because you need to cpoy and paste the style into each page of the site, unlike external style sheets. This is a major time saver.
Style Tiles
Style tiles are a design deliverable that contain fonts, colors, and elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. A moodboard is too vague and a mockup is too precise, making style tiles just right. They help to form a visual language between the designers and who they are designing for, and it acts as a catalyst for discussions around the preferences and goals of a client needing a webpage.
Style tiles establish a direct connection with actual interface elements without defining the layout. They present clients with interface choices without doing multiple photoshop mockups. Unlike a moodboard, which has an emphasis on the brand and identity design, style tiles looks to mirror “cascading stylesheets” and reinforce ideas specific to web design. (source: http://styletil.es/)
StyleTiles_Sutton < larger image