The (Michael) Rock

Posted by | January 26, 2016 | Kadie Rolfzen, Talent | No Comments

The third T in class is finally being researched. Michael Rock is the talent that I have, along with the term of design strategy and the technology of 2× and multifesto.2× which are both websites by Michael Rock and his design consultancy 2×4. Researching about Michael was a struggle mainly because every time that I typed in his name, all I kept getting was his website and some of his projects. Not much was written about him on various websites besides the typical where he graduated, what kinds of awards he has received and what his company is currently doing. To find some information on what he believes about design, I just looked at pieces from his Multiple Signatures book. His thoughts of design are quite intriguing and really grasp a true sense of what design is all about. He expresses the thought that many of us already know and that is that this world is ever changing and because of this, the design world is also changing. It is easy to see how different type is in today’s world vs. what is was back in the 1800s. Culture changes the way that us designers design and this will always be the case. That is the fun part about design. It is constantly changing and there is not one set way to do something. Michael says that “we do not appreciate the value of our own work” and expresses how we are constantly worried about the concepts of our work as opposed to the visual element that we have created.


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