January 25, 2016

Posted by | January 27, 2016 | Collin Rasmussen, Talent | No Comments


The letter “C” in CSS stands for “cascade”, but what does that mean? Well, technically it means – a process whereby something, typically information or knowledge, is successively passed on, but in programming it is so much more. Cascade relates directly to style sheets and is necessary when style conflicts happen. Style conflicts can either happen through inheritance or when one or more styles apply to the same element. Basically it’s a set of rules for organization purposes so style properties get assigned properly. Using a clean slate could (without cascade) could get tiring and long.

Talent | Luke Wroblewski

Luke is a Product Director at Google, the author of 3 books and thousands of articles and presentation. He is also the co-founder of the Interaction Design Association. Most know Luke as the grandfather of the Mobile First movement. His website Lukew.com offers great lessons to inspiring guru programmers like himself. He is very young but carries an impressive resume. If you happen to be in a conversation with a web designer, and he/she mentions Luke, Luke Wroblewski is who they will be referring to. 


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