
Posted by | February 08, 2016 | Leah Urbank | No Comments


Once again, another reading packed full of info. Although, I admit that the part near the beginning about the difference between padding, margins, borders, was very handy to have. I have recreated the chart of the layering of the spacing in my notes, as that’s something that I have been really confused about as we were doing the workshops.

Another thing that was clarified that I had actually asked my neighbors about was the four measurements that was included in the CSS margin tag (margin: 0 10px 10px 20px). I was quite frankly frustrated that I couldn’t figure out on my own what all of the different measurements were, and so it was nice to finally be told what that means, as well as a good way to remember it (TRouBLe). I want answers pretty much instantaneously, so it’s nice to finally get around to that.

The Website

I was disappointed with the results in the critique, so I scrapped everything I had done and started over again. I retained a somewhat darker color palette, because that’s what I prefer when I’m reading on websites. It assaults my eyes less.

The one thing I struggle with is the main body type. Is it preferred that serif typefaces are used, or does it really effect reading in a negative way if you got the route of sans-serif? I personally prefer sans-serif, but I’m most certainly not everyone, and I wouldn’t consider myself a professional.GRPH325_Urbank_Leah_website

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