It was nice to just dive in and start figuring out how to code. It’s just one of those things where you’re going to have to struggle through it before you get good at it. The way you name things is much more important than I thought it would be. I remember Colleen saying how if you put left box and right box as names into Dreamweaver you aren’t going to remember which is which. I thought that was bologna. I should have believed, clearly she has much more experience than I. In class I ended up going through basically everything and renaming it all so that it’s easier to find stuff. It is imperative to name and organize things so that anyone could jump in and follow the organization you have going on, if only to make it easier on your brain.
It’s also imperative to remember how far we’ve come and how much we’ve learned. I know I kept getting frustrated because I couldn’t get things to look the way I wanted to or the code wasn’t working how I thought it should. But instead of focusing on what I wasn’t being successful with, it’s better to focus on what I did figure out. Here’s three things I was successful with in class… 1. I set up a document from scratch and put all my information in it, including links to the style sheet and googlefonts 2. I divided up the sections and was able to change the background color. 3. I applied the illustrator style sheets to the appropriate type. That’s pretty awesome for never having tried such a thing before.