Now that we’ve worked on the website and subsequently got really frustrated on it, I feel like I’ve really grasped some of the more basic concepts of coding. The containers and how they layered into one another really threw me off, because I couldn’t understand all the different borders how they actually contained stuff. Now that I’ve fiddled with it for some time and with the help from Colleen, it clicked in my brain.
This was a reading about links, and that covers buttons as well as designing the actual links themselves.
I did the most basic of these functions without reading this section, as I just changed the color of the link and took away the underline. I really forgot about all the different levels of activity of links, and so it was nice to be reintroduced to the concepts. While I don’t think my own website will have any buttons at this time, it’s quite a lot to try to remember.
The parts about the navigation bars were really interesting, as its a very basic concept that a lot of websites have, but its actually very complicated. I understand the styling and how it’s done, but I would like to do the actual tutorial, so it really settles in my brain.