This chapter was about links, and it was nice to see the pseudo classes involved with the links and their different set of existences.
nav a { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
nav a:link { color: #F60; }
nav a:visited { color: #900; }
nav a:hover { color: #F33; }
nav a:active {color: #B2F511; }
I have already done some basic link editing with my typesetting with the terms and whatnot. I can remove the underline with a style: none;, but it’s nice to actually see the different effects and how the would behave.
For the navigation bars, while I have nothing like that in the website I’m already working on, it’s nice to build on the html that I already know. I still go through the lessons on Codecademy, and I’ve been thought he lessons about lists, both ordered and unordered. Overall, the setup of navigation bars makes a lot of sense, but I don’t know how much of the detail is going to stick in my brain, so I’m going to be referring to my notes often.