
Posted by | February 23, 2016 | Ally Frame | No Comments

I’m pretty excited to go forward with the navigation system. I’m glad we just get to design it and not worry about coding it because that would be crazy hard. Hopefully making little animations to show how it works will go smoothly. I’ve done some animation stuff in the past but I always get really frustrated. Timing is difficult to get it smooth and to move exactly how you want. Luckily this will only require minimal movement so I should be able to handle that.

The websites we looked at in class were kind of insane. I have no idea how I would even start to code something where each piece on the page moves at a slightly different time. Who even has the patience to do something like that, I don’t know. But they deserve an award. The flywheel page was really inspiring though. It wasn’t full of crazy tricks so it’s something I could do with some time. But it’s also just super whimsical and creative which I love. The clever concept is something I prefer over cool code tricks. I might need to up my game a little and just make my navigation system super fun. That type of thing is more up my alley.

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