
Posted by | February 24, 2016 | Charles Wetzel | No Comments

Creating unique navigation. This concept is not something I have ever had to encounter before. Site navigation was something that I noticed when it was done really well or really bad, but I never made the creative leap to imagine what the creative process was like behind the design. It always just seemed that the navigation was built around the information, but seeing some of the memorizing examples from class, the limits seem endless. Not having to actually program the navigation is plus for sure, freeing up many more ideas, but still the possibilities of what could be done are not even apparent. I don’t know what it is that that I am not thinking of — is the best way to put my conundrum.

The one idea I did come away with has to do with interactive bubbles, cleanly laid out in a grid with a search bar so that users have the option to A: search for a term or subject and peruse the results, or B: Click on the bubbles to reveal singular topics / terms / tech / or people. The B approach encourages more of an exploratory clicking since the list of all available topics is not made explicitly clear or compiled into a list. The sketch is linked below.


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