Now I’m getting frustrated.

Posted by | March 07, 2016 | Kadie Rolfzen | No Comments

I usually have a pretty high tolerance for things taking a while and for me not understanding something. I usually give myself a little while to make sure I completely understand something before I freak out. To be honest, I dont really freak out that much. I’m a pretty visual learner and it’s almost like I have a camera in my head and just snapshot the information that I need to know. But this code is really getting frustrating for me. I go in one day and completely know how to code the whole page that I want to do but than the next time I go look at it, it looks completely different and pieces of the design are missing and I cant seem to find them at all. That has been going on for about two weeks now and every time it happens, my patience gets less and less.

But here’s too having a lot of tolerance for things not working and to the two weeks left before Spring Break 2016.

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