The User Interface is the interaction of human and machine. During this exchange, the goal is for ease and enjoyment on the human end, and helpful feedback on that of the machine operator. Making the interface “user-friendly” is key in the development.
The user interface is everything designed into an information device with which a human being may interact. This includes the screen, keyboard, mouse, desktop appearance, illuminated characters, help messages, and the interaction between user and website.
Form Follows Function:The Form Follows Function project is a visual playground of stunning design work and functionality. The site, which was coded in HTML5 was created by Jongmin Kim and features a navigation wheel of several magazine issue covers with titles like “Raining Men,” “The Scream,” and “Bokeh.” When the user clicks on one of the issues, they are taken to an interactive experience that relates to the title. In “Wiper Typography” the user faces raining letters from the top of the screen and a bar that moves back and forth like a windshield wiper. When the user clicks on the screen the wiper follows making letters bounce off the bar. In “Plant Trees” wherever the user clicks on the screen a beautiful tree silhouette sprouts and blooms.
The project has been raved over for the use of current technology to push the creative boundaries. The project can be accessed on both computer and mobile, takes little loading time, has easy controls, and allows the user to experience the site in many ways.
Jongmin Kim is a Korean designer and interactive developer. Kim has won many awards and praise for his designs, and is most well known for his personal work. Kim describes his style of design as “minus” and follows this structure over “plus designs.” This means his style is simple, clean, and minimal. He reminds himself that form follows function and keeps his designs focused on the golden ratio and interesting typography. One of his personal projects, Form Follows Function, became a huge hit with its beautiful and interesting interface and numerous interactive experiences. Kim used his incredible mix of gorgeous design with HTML and Javascript to create this site. Kim’s personal portfolio website ( has won an FWA award for amazing websites. He’s very proud of his site and for good reason, his site is completely of his own design and has a unique interface and interactive experience.
Kim’s work has taken him from Korea, where he did work for companies like Samsung and LG to the US at Firstborn Multimedia in New York. He now works for Google in interactive development and user experience. Kim’s work will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with what we have now.