Unit 03: One Page Storytelling
Programmed Pages:
- Michael Johnson: Drag Site
- Matthew Sandley: Randomized Fiction
- Shawnee Johns: Omelet Tutorial
- Ally Frame: Derby Site
- Kelly Kretchmer: Makeup Site
- Truly Wu: Book Binding Site
- Daniel Allgood: Vaper Smoking
Behance Pages:
- Cole Munsterman: Van’s 50th Anniversary
- Aubrey Samson: Dying Strategy
- Cierra Krason: S. Presso Coffee Shop
- Stephanie Whitsett: Kosmetics
- Olivia Konert: The Art of Photography
- Emma deVries: Stories in the Sky
- Emily Gauger: The Barbados Sea Turtles
- Allison Sutton: Homemade Paper
- Ali Syafie: Indonesian Spices
- Jake Headid: Van’s Timeline
- Collin Raumussen: Wormman Animation
- Emily Phillips:
- Kadie Rofzen
- Huy Tran:
- Leah Urbank
- Charles Wetzel: Bamboo Site
- Design Brief
- Wireframe
- Design
- Programmed Site
- Stephanie Whitsett
24T Project