
Posted by | January 14, 2016 | Emily Gauger, Terms | No Comments

In class today I learned a lot of terms that I didn’t know before including php, ftp, and what it means to be dynamically generated. The big word of the day in class was a WYSIWYG which is the ‘indesign’ of webages. An example of this is DreamWeaver which I used for the first time in class today as well. It was actually fairly simple! I coded in HTML back around 7th grade, and to my surprise, as I started doing it again in class today, some of the information was coming back to me and it was a lot more simple than I had anticipated which was a relief.

We also chose our term that we will be researching. I chose “human centered design”. I did some quick research on it tonight and found out from http://hcdi.brunel.ac.uk/files/What%20is%20Human%20Centred%20Design.pdf that it “is based on the use of techniques which communicate, interact, empathise and stimulate the people involved, obtaining an understanding of their needs, desires and experiences which often transcends that which the people themselves actually realised.” I think its really interesting, I like the idea of including viewers in the experience with more than just site. I’ve begun typesetting my word with its definition and its looking a bit bland so I need to figure out a way to spice it up.

When I created my term and definitions, I made multiple variations that I couldn’t decide. I uploaded the whole document to box and the link below will bring you directly to the file.

Gauger Typeset Term


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