Having spent a solid 3-4 hours with the concept of “Universal Type,” I realize that what I thought this definition would be and what I think it is are very different. I was expecting something like a standard, sans-serif font comprised of the typical character-sets most font families have available. Helvetica instantly came to mind. But my notion of a universal typeface was not nearly as grand in scope as the idea that Tim Brown puts forth in this video posted last August. To attempt define Universal Type in a singular idea is almost impossible. What Tim wants is not a single typeface, but really the tools and expertise to create dynamic typography for all digital platforms; even future technologies or interfaces that have yet to be developed. He’s already thinking past the physical devices and get his audience to consider digital typography more abstractly and on a worldwide scale.
Tim is currently developing tools to reach this confluence of creative power + typographic harmony. Here are three found on his website:
- Adobe Typekit – Adobe’s easy to use typography layout tool for web-based type. Tim is currently the Type Manager for Adobe Typekit.
- Modular Scale – Software that builds compositions on values from modular scales, creating balance and beauty not found in programs that use whole numbers.
- WebFont Specimen – A site where type designers can see what their fonts look like on the web in a variety of formats and platforms
Tim is involved many more programs than just these three. The various overlaps and slight difference in focus of each program create an ethereal venn diagram working towards defining something like a “Universal Type.”
Aside from Tim Brown’s hardwork, check out the fun project the BIC company (the famous ballpoint pen manufacturers) at this site where they are creating a Universal Typeface from an aggregate of digitally-drawn submissions from people all over the world! Check it out here and add your own submission to this ongoing experiment.