I’m Emily Phillips, a junior graphic design major and software development minor. I’m a part time barista and gamer. I like plants, k-pop, video games, tv shows, and basically anything nerdy.
Background.It all started with a tiny obsession with tumblr. I first discovered my love of editing and photoshop whilst scrolling endlessly down my tumblr dashboard. I realized then, that despite my lack of other artistic talent, that I really did enjoy creating. After some simple self-taught photoshop I moved on to a more tricky and challenging project: coding. Much like wordpress, tumblr has many editable templates and themes for creating websites and blogs. It took me a while to understand the language of HTML and CSS but since first discovering my love of designing web, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. Fast forward a few years to finally taking courses in college (first in the Journalism school, then turning Art major) and I’m finally feeling like I am where I’m supposed to be. Being both a graphic designer and software developer I can really accomplish everything I want to do: the design and visual side of web but also the technological behind it. I’m very happy that I have made a hobby into a study and a future career.