April 25, 2016

Posted by | Emma deVries | No Comments

I really enjoyed the tour of Hudl.  As a business minor it is always fascinating getting an in-depth view of different management styles.  I love the idea of unlimited vacation and a work week based on progress and accomplishing goals instead of a mandatory 40 hours.  The spontaneous nerf battles also sound fun!


Posted by | Leah Urbank | No Comments


Critique day is here! I came in pretty confident, but as soon as my webpage went up on the projector, it all jumbled up and changed a lot. I suppose I was used to working on my own screen, where I had it just where I wanted it, but I know now that I can’t depend on that.

The quick fix I need to do to the Hair Color website is change the outermost div so it’s smaller, so the webpage is not as wide. I also need to overall just make the whole damn thing better, because it’s pretty rough right now. I’ll need to change the scaling down system, and maybe start over and try with mobile first on my own time.


Posted by | Leah Urbank | No Comments


I’m wrapping up some of the last touches on my website, and adding various projects from past graphic design classes to the portfolio website.

I realize now that I’ll probably have to redo some of the documentation for paintings and other fine art projects, because I realize that those classes never had me record anything for a portfolio. Photography is easy to put up, as I can just export the images from lightroom (making sure they’re the right size), and put them up.

It took me a while to figure out how to work the wordpress site, and find out what each different page did, but I’m glad I got it all up and running.


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

Today we started trying to code. Some aspects came simple, but others were difficult. I expected it to be easer than this since my pages aren’t too complex. Theres so many little parts and pieces that go into making one thing work.


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

Today in class we had our final critique. Everybody had some really great projects! I wish I would’ve been able to do more with mine but I ran out of time and didn’t have all the skills to get it looking right. But I think I did pretty good for my ability and the time I had. I’m happy its over though!

April 20, 2016

Posted by | Emma deVries | No Comments

After I purchased my WordPress I went on to purchase a domain name:  em2art.com and I am using Pair Networks to host my server.  Installing the WordPress theme and getting it to work was not as easy as I imagined.  Thankfully the in class instruction helped immensely along with the online video the company has for installing their theme.  I’m going to still need to fiddle with it to feel better about the page and my website.


Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

The class is learning about wordpress but I’ve decided to stick with my own code. As I want to go into web design I need to practice and get better with my coding so working on my own site is definitely helpful practice for me. Right now I have a lot of my old portfolio pieces from my class I took 2 years ago and I need to gather all my pieces I have done for my most recent classes. I’m unsure if I want to create something that’s more for me personally or more for class.


Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

During this work day I continued to try to figure out how to customize my website from 2 years ago. I’m contemplating using a tumblr theme I have previously coded but I don’t like that it is more of a blogging platform and not as easy to create a portfolio site on it. My animations…I have no idea what I should do or how to continue right now. I’d like to get my site all figured out first then figure out how to do the animated site.


Posted by | Ally Frame | No Comments

This is the last day of class and therefore this is my last blog post. Looking at everyone else’s web portfolios was inspiring. I know that I want to change a lot of things about mine now. I know for sure I need to go back and check all my files to make sure they are as high resolution as possible because I still feel like they look blurry. I also want to make some gifs to get some motion going, especially on the pages for the website designs. Right now they look silly and I need them to look more like a behance page. Generally the pages just need to be more designed. But, on the plus side, I did finally figure out how to get rid of this weird line that was appearing in the middle of my resume page.