

Posted by | Ally Frame, Talent | No Comments

I researched Sarah Hyndman for my talent portion. I feel like she would be a really cool person to know and talk to about design. Like she has a lot of imaginative ideas and has a lot of passion for what she does. She is most known for founding Type Tasting which is the website I previously blogged about. But quick refresher, it’s a place to discuss, research, explore, etc. how type affects human emotions and even our senses. She does a lot of really cool things to research multisensory type. I would love to do one of her type tasting workshops. It’s said to be like the type equivalent of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. On here blog I found a Christmas themed workshop. They looked at what smells represent Christmas and then witch typeface would match those smells. It looked pretty fun. Sarah is also an author of almost two books now, both about typography and it’s power. Her first one is called ‘Why Fonts Matter’. She also has a book like thing called ‘Type Tasting’ that comes with 3d glasses for some reason. I guess you’ll have to buy it to find out. Before Type Tasting she worked at With Relish as a graphic designer.about her and they are all so positive. I found some quotes from her coworkers there and they genuinely love and admire her proving she is an important designer of our day.

I also absolutely adore the way she talks about typography, especially when she describes her initial attraction to the type on candy wrappers. She believes so much in the power of words and typography and it’s contagious. She makes me excited about type and picking fonts. Also, the fact that she walked away from a job because she couldn’t morally stand behind the project is crazy cool. I sincerely hope that if my morals are challenged in the future of my design career that I can stick to them and walk away if I need to. Even if that means walking away from a secure job and into the complete unknown.



Posted by | Emily Gauger, Talent | No Comments

In class today with the technology presentations, I learned about a lot of really cool sites that I had no idea existed. They were all amazing! Especially the form follows function one, that was awesome.

For my talent, I signed up to research Greg Gibilisco. It was really cool researching him because I found out that he was from Omaha, Nebraska! I’ve lived in Omaha my entire life and it’s really inspiring to see someone of a relatively similar profession come from Nebraska and be so extremely successful. I can just think of how cool it would be to have a student from Omaha do a presentation and research on me someday (#goals). But anyways, Greg went to college in Pittsburg and now he’s the director of visual design and senior designer for MAYA which is a really neat company that focuses on human centered design.

For my page about Greg, I used the google fonts Old Standard TT and Lato.

Learn more about Greg here


The (Michael) Rock

Posted by | Kadie Rolfzen, Talent | No Comments

The third T in class is finally being researched. Michael Rock is the talent that I have, along with the term of design strategy and the technology of 2×4.org and multifesto.2×4.org which are both websites by Michael Rock and his design consultancy 2×4. Researching about Michael was a struggle mainly because every time that I typed in his name, all I kept getting was his website and some of his projects. Not much was written about him on various websites besides the typical where he graduated, what kinds of awards he has received and what his company is currently doing. To find some information on what he believes about design, I just looked at pieces from his Multiple Signatures book. His thoughts of design are quite intriguing and really grasp a true sense of what design is all about. He expresses the thought that many of us already know and that is that this world is ever changing and because of this, the design world is also changing. It is easy to see how different type is in today’s world vs. what is was back in the 1800s. Culture changes the way that us designers design and this will always be the case. That is the fun part about design. It is constantly changing and there is not one set way to do something. Michael says that “we do not appreciate the value of our own work” and expresses how we are constantly worried about the concepts of our work as opposed to the visual element that we have created.


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