I researched Sarah Hyndman for my talent portion. I feel like she would be a really cool person to know and talk to about design. Like she has a lot of imaginative ideas and has a lot of passion for what she does. She is most known for founding Type Tasting which is the website I previously blogged about. But quick refresher, it’s a place to discuss, research, explore, etc. how type affects human emotions and even our senses. She does a lot of really cool things to research multisensory type. I would love to do one of her type tasting workshops. It’s said to be like the type equivalent of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. On here blog I found a Christmas themed workshop. They looked at what smells represent Christmas and then witch typeface would match those smells. It looked pretty fun. Sarah is also an author of almost two books now, both about typography and it’s power. Her first one is called ‘Why Fonts Matter’. She also has a book like thing called ‘Type Tasting’ that comes with 3d glasses for some reason. I guess you’ll have to buy it to find out. Before Type Tasting she worked at With Relish as a graphic designer.about her and they are all so positive. I found some quotes from her coworkers there and they genuinely love and admire her proving she is an important designer of our day.
I also absolutely adore the way she talks about typography, especially when she describes her initial attraction to the type on candy wrappers. She believes so much in the power of words and typography and it’s contagious. She makes me excited about type and picking fonts. Also, the fact that she walked away from a job because she couldn’t morally stand behind the project is crazy cool. I sincerely hope that if my morals are challenged in the future of my design career that I can stick to them and walk away if I need to. Even if that means walking away from a secure job and into the complete unknown.