The class is learning about wordpress but I’ve decided to stick with my own code. As I want to go into web design I need to practice and get better with my coding so working on my own site is definitely helpful practice for me. Right now I have a lot of my old portfolio pieces from my class I took 2 years ago and I need to gather all my pieces I have done for my most recent classes. I’m unsure if I want to create something that’s more for me personally or more for class.
Emily Phillips
During this work day I continued to try to figure out how to customize my website from 2 years ago. I’m contemplating using a tumblr theme I have previously coded but I don’t like that it is more of a blogging platform and not as easy to create a portfolio site on it. My animations…I have no idea what I should do or how to continue right now. I’d like to get my site all figured out first then figure out how to do the animated site.
I was crazy struggling with my portfolio site. I wanted to hard code my site, I have a portfolio site already made from 2 years ago but it’s nothing I find impressive. I would like to re-code everything but without using jQuery or bootstrap I’m really struggling with creating something dynamic. I still have to document a lot of my items for my portfolio, as well. I’m dying.
Hudl Tour:
I was really interested in touring Hudl, I was excited to see the offices and seeing the creative part of the company. As interesting as it was to learn about all the departments of Hudl I was not very impressed by the tour. The only thing I really learned about the graphic design part of Hudl was that most of the designers work in marketing or product. The tour guides were happy to show off all of the benefits of working at Hudl but failed to show us what we specifically were interested in learning about career-wise. @_@.
It’s hard to create a wireframe to describe what I want a website to do interaction-wise. I mocked up my idea in photoshop and I found inspiration from a design on codrops. I’d like the navigation to be simple and clean and I’m a bit nervous about having to code this final navigation and being a perfectionist I will probably drive myself crazy trying to get it just right. I just have to start and see how it goes.
I misunderstood the assignment a bit and for designing the complex navigation I focused more on the home page itself and less on the interactions of all of the pages and how one would navigate through the pages. Since there are so many terms it is tricky to think of a way that is easily navigational but has unique interactive experiences.
I am about halfway done with this first project and I’m happy with how it is turning out. I need to start thinking about a way of designing a navigation – I know I want it to be responsive and sleek and that will probably require me to use java or jquery. I used a small bit of js in the coding of my term and person to add to the information I’ve written about on the topics.
I am really happy with my final designs for this project and have been working on organizing my code so that each section will be clean and easy to read. I have the tendency to make my code chaotic and I really want to make everything very organized for this project.
I’m trying to incorporate some simple animation/javascript as well into my code and hope it doesn’t interfere too much with my type. I love my font choices and I want them to really stand out.
I didn’t realize that you could use Illustrator for designing web, I’m so used to hard coding that I will have to learn how to incorporate design more into my coding. I’m a lot happier with my design now and seeing how it will all flow down the page. I was really struggling with balancing design with typography for this project and I think I’m finally getting the type down and am excited to see it on the screen.
I am trying to figure out how to figure out the overall layout of my 3 designs and relating them to my topic. I’ve mainly been trying to code how I want my designs to look and balance the technical part with the visual part. I need to research more fonts and really figure out the overall design so that coding the frame will be easy. I have a lot of ideas relating to the beautiful designs of Jongmin Kim who is my Talent and I want to find a way to stay true to his design but also make it mine.