Emily Phillips


Posted by | Emily Phillips, Talent | No Comments

My Talent is Jongmin Kim, an amazing interaction designer. I was surprised to have never come across him before now because his style and type of design (minimalism, clean, geometric) are very my type. He does the kind of things that I would love to do one day: combining design with technology to create interactive and responsive experiences. His website is amazing, every little detail of it was something unique and really brings the user into his world. He uses the technology we have (HTML5, JS, CSS) to create such powerful and sleek interactive designs, yet his user interface is so simple that anyone can enjoy the project with ease.




Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

In class we talked about the endless possibilities with CSS. I didn’t realize that you could animate actual images and I hope to be able to explore that in the near future. I’ve started working on coding my term and definition. I absolutely love google fonts and am excited to be able to use them for this project. The trouble I’m having right now is on making the text both legible but also visually pleasing. I also haven’t been using DreamWeaver for this project, instead typing all my code in a different program. I think messing around with the code more will help me create something that will be more like what I want visually. I’m very used to letting my knowledge of coding limit to what I make the end product look like, but I’m really trying to push myself to solve visual problems and have what my vision lead me, not the code.


Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

Chapters 2 and 3 in the CSS manual focus on styling web pages. The format of CSS is made up of rules of selectors (p) with declarations. Inside the declarations are properties and values (color, #ffffff). CSS can be placed internally inside the HTML or in an external sheet (faster loading). If within the HTML it can be placed between the <style> tag within the <head> or inline as a div or span style. The possibilities with styling with CSS are endless. Not only can you style the fonts, colors, background image, but you can also manipulate create visual actions like link hovers (changing the opacity, shadows, disappear, etc).

As for selectors, there are certain built in selectors in HTML (body, h1, p, a, *), for more specific styling you must create div classes (.) and ids (#). You have parent and children selectors (h1 and p are children of body) as well as descendants which contain more than one selector like a link within a list (li a). To make it more complicated you can have different stylings for different states of a selector (think links) – you can have the link be one color before, during, and after it has been clicked, these are called pseudo-classes.

As complicated as this all sounds, once you have experience working with them and seeing it yourself (instead of just reading about it) it will quickly become second nature. I love the amount of possibilities one can do with just CSS (without fancy things like JS and JQuery).

My term I was assigned is User Interface and I started working on two different versions of my design. The first one was based on the designs of the ios and android lock screens and my second was just more of “looking pretty.”



Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

A lot of information was presented in class today. Everything from an introduction to Dreamweaver (WYSIWYGs) to FTP clients and how using one is related to WordPress. I have not used Dreamweaver before, actually not sure I have used a WYSIWYG before either. My experience with coding has been done in Komodo edit and Light Table. Light Table might be more similar to Dreamweaver because you can have a browser tab open in the application to see your code. I’m excited to get to know Dreamweaver and be able to incorporate photoshop into it. As for FTP clients, the main one I have always used is FileZilla and I have experience uploading single pages as well as a site with several sub pages.

I have a lot of ideas for our first project which is a focus on webfonts and typography. I absolutely typography and am no stranger of google fonts, as I use them a lot for both personal website and tumblr. I’d love to make the information on my page be responsive as well.


Posted by | Emily Phillips | No Comments

I’m excited to dive into this class, I’ve never used wordpress before but my experiences with tumblr makes this very familiar, as both are CMS’s (Content Management Systems). I’ll be very interested in studying the code of themes in wordpress and creating my own. I’m also excited to dive into coding and learning how to make the language of code look visually appealing and beautiful. I have high proficiency in HTML and CSS in CMS’s and have also coded a website from scratch. I have also used javascript and jquery to create dyanmic web apps and sites. I’m ready to take this technological knowledge and create beautiful web designs.