I didn’t work on my site as much as I meant to this weekend.
Michael Johnson
Still making progress on my site. It’s very bare bones but the illustrations are done now. The book and labs are helping me with the animation parts of my site
I worked more on my illustrations and started coding. I have a really long way to go, but I’ve made more progress than I could have at the beginning of the semester
I didn’t have much time to work on my site this weekend because of the drag show, but I’m still feeling good about it! If anything, i’m more pumped to finish it!
I got a lot done over break! I’m nearly done with my illustrations and my copy is pretty much final! I’m really proud of what I had to turn in at crit today and I got a lot of good feedback from the class. My site is really simple, but that will help me when I start coding!
I’m starting to get the hang of coding CSS, but I don’t know how well I’ll actually be able to implement into a website. I think I’m going to spend more time on code academy over break. My wire frame is far enough along that I think I’m ready to start creating my illustrations during break. I wrote a lot of the copy, or at least what the copy should convey in general.
Creating typography and design for print is not the same as creating it for a digital device with a screen. There are some key differences you need to keep in mind.
- A screen is backlit
- can affect visibility of text or strain readers eyes
- Color variation from device to device
- Relationship of screen size and magnifying options to text size and resolution
- Interactivity (links)
- Harder to read type on a screen
- Shows differently on each screen/platform
- Internet connection
Specifically, when thinking about fonts and typography on a screen, some things that will make your text much more legible are:
- Higher x-height
- Greater apertures
- Slightly looser letter spacing
- Generous bowl shape
- Clear shoulders
- Clear ascenders and descenders
A great resource as you move forward is The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web. It’s essentially the web typographer’s bible and can be found here!
I haven’t made much progress on my wireframe. I’ve tentatively decided Im going to do how to be a drag king though, so at least I know my direction.
We’re still working on our wire frames today. I’m frustrated with the direction I want to take mine in. I can’t decide if I want to do site on drag history or how to do drag/be a drag king specifically. If just seems like I have so much ground to cover.
No class today!