I finally figured out why one of my background images wasn’t showing up. I had it as a class instead of an idea. It’s the little things that always get me. I think I have it the way I want it and am going to call it good. I want to add sound, but am running out of time and don’t have any sound of any sort to put in anyway. It’s all good. I think it turned out just fine regardless. I don’t know if I like how my companion comic turned out though. It kinda looks not good.
Shawnee Johns
I almost have everything done for this Omelet website. I worked really hard to make it look nice. I’m really glad that I don’t have to do a portfolio website. It was seriously stressing me out. I ended up just putting all of the images in my code so that I can figure out the positions and things later. I was still having trouble positioning things in one of my section so I moved on.
Fred Dust was in town. I tried to go when he was first in town, but that was canceled. It was a little irritating because left work early to go see him. I thought he was interesting. It was refreshing how he was thing outside of the box and trying everything. The sticker thing was a neat idea. I don’t know if I would have thought of that.
I’m still at it with my website. I figured out columns and changed mostly everything into percentages. It’s getting there. I’m having trouble rearranging things. They just don’t seem to be doing what I want them too, but it’s getting better. I figured out the on-clicking system with jquery. It was a pain to find. I took a lot of code from the internet, but it’s doing what I want it to.
Working again on the website. I am worried about doing the portfolio website. I don’t think I’ll have time to do it as well as the website I made. It’s working better. I’m try to figure out columns before I worry about any scaling. I’m not sure how they work. Also learning jquery. I just stared at a website describing what I needed for several hours and nothing sunk in. It’s looking a bit better now.
Still working on my Omelet website. I think I’m going to have the most trouble placing items in my pages. They’re kinda willy-nilly in my design. I don’t know how it will look when it is scaled. Everything keeps moving when I switch back and forth between my dreamweaver and the internet. It’s frustrating. I put everything into ems instead of px. I don’t think it’s helping. I might have to resort to percentages.
I have started redesigning in illustrator and have started to put it into dreamweaver. I want to complete two pages before next weekend (hopefully). I am having trouble designing for mobile first and desktop. I don’t know how to make a font smaller when on a phone screen. I got my image and subheading to fit, but I can’t seem to get my heading to get smaller. It is too big and forces the font to hang outside of the frame. Don’t know how to the fix it. I got all of my images and things for my second page into dreamweaver and for most of the work is designing it and making it interactive
I am disappointed that I did not have my current idea worked out for the critique. I frankly did not have the time and that is on me. I really want my entire website to be finished before the 25th of April. I know I can do it, but it’s definitely going to be a struggle time wise. I definitely plan to use audio in my website. I wanted to create an entire song for it, but that might be a bit ambitious. I think I can do it.
I think it’s getting better. I have more of a solid idea for my site. I really wanted to base it off of this one interactive site, but it had way too much javascript and I don’t have time for that. If I want this site for my capstone, it would be beneficial to make it mobile first. I want to make it way more interactive, but am not quite sure how to do it. I also want people to scroll across rather than to scroll down.