After finish eating cheese, Haw had made his decision and told Sniff and Scurry that he wants to go back to Cheese station C to see Hem and leads him to come here. Before Haw left, he pick some cheese for giving to Hem and say good bye to Sniff and Scurry. “We hope you can change Hem’s mind.” said Sniff.
Haw left the cheesse station N, ran towards cheese station C by following along a trail that he left. Soon he arrived Cheese station C and saw Hem sat alone desperately. He looked terrible as he had been hungry for many days, waiting for his old cheese. Haw gave Hem a new cheese that he brought from Cheese Station N.
Hem could not deny as he was so starving. He ate a bit of cheese at the beginning and found out that the new cheese was really good. It’s fresh and tastety.

Haw met Hem

Haw tried one last time to encourag Hem to change his mind and move forwards beyond his fear. “They're never going to put the Old Cheese back. That was yesterday's Cheese. It's time to find New Cheese.” “Sometimes,” Haw said, “things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one, of those times, Hem. That's life! Life moves on. And so should we.” “Let’s go!” he exclaimed, all of a sudden.
Hem looked at Haw and said “I accept that I liked new cheese a lot. But I want my old cheese. I have been waiting for it for a long time. Please leave me alone and let me think about it for a while." Haw was a little bit dissappointed but he still has hope that Hem will follow him to Cheese station N. Haw left Hem behind and walked to Cheese station N.

Haw talked to Hem

After Haw arrived at Cheese Station N for a while Then, Haw heard what he thought was the sound of movement out in the maze. As the noise grew louder, he realized that someone was coming. Could it be that Hem was arriving? Was he about to turn the corner? Haw said a little prayer and hoped - as he had many times before - that maybe, at last, his friend was finally able to…

It was Hem who just arrived at Cheese station N.

The End

Hem arrived


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