
Posted by | January 21, 2016 | Emily Gauger, Technology | No Comments

I feel a lot better about coding after doing the tutorials in class. It’s super easy to understand when coming from the book. Although, if I was asked to do all that on my own without looking at the book, I don’t think I would be able to do that yet. There are a lot of new terms that I’ve learned in the past two weeks and a lot of html tags and I don’t have them completely memorized yet. But I’m excited to see how much I am able to do with coding at the end of this class! My goal is to be able to build my own personal website.

The technology that I was assigned to talk about was www.maya.com. When I first opened the page, a description of what they do was sitting right there. “We design products and services at the intersection of information, technology, and human experience.” What I took this to mean is that they are mainly focused on human centered design which just so happens to be my term. They are a design consultancy and technology research lab that focuses on visual design, engineering, and human sciences. So many different professions work there, graphic designers, interaction designers, game designers, design research, marketing, engineering, software design, experience design, and even more. They are creating this product called Interstacks that sound really awesome. I’ll elaborate on them in my presentation. Its a really cool website and sounds like a fun place to work. My presentation will go way more in depth about it. I don’t want to give all the fun details away now.

Maya’s website

My designed maya page

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