Emily Gauger


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

Well, that test was way harder than I thought it was going to be. That was kind of sucky. Fingers crossed for good results.

Im excited about this next section with creating cool nav bars. I never really thought of those interesting ones on those websites we looked at as nav bars and I think it will be cool to discover more really nice ones and how to code those.

We had a presentation over Lev today and he has a really cool website. I think that selfiecity project is really interesting. Its funny how selfies have become such a widespread thing that it becomes art.

Quote of the day: “The number one most used one is Internet Explorer. Kill me.” -Colleen


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

In class, writing out the code on the white board was actually really helpful. It was difficult though and I don’t completely understand it, but I think if we did it more often, I would get the hang of it. Doing interactive things like this are a lot easier to grasp the concept of it rather than doing the book tutorials. I also like that we’re building our pages slowly bit by bit so that we can understand exactly what we’re doing.


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

We went over a lot of stuff in class today and it was a bit overwhelming. I got a bit lost at times but I found my way back to the track. It was helpful to open up that file and add sections and change the background colors to our colors. That helped to see how to actually code what were doing and it was a relief to see that it wasn’t as hard as I thought. Crit was also beneficial. It was good to get a better idea of what she was looking for in these pages and what worked well and what wasn’t so good. I think this is moving in a lot more stable direction now and things are more clear cut. Moving forward from today, I’m no longer scared to code my pages.


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

Today in class we learned about a lot of really helpful websites. I’ve already explored a few of them a little bit, and I am excited to explore them more in depth. Theres a lot of really beautiful fonts out there that I want to download. I also really love the color palette generator. Its really helpful and convenient to experiment with the colors and see what they look like right next to each other there. I was also excited to see that both of the google fonts that I downloaded and used on my pages were on the list of the top 10 recommended Google fonts. I also found a site with examples of Google fonts beautifully typeset and its really great for inspiration. After looking at these sites and learning more, Im excited to see how my pages will change in between today and Wednesday.


Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

As far as coding goes, I actually do enjoy CSS. It’s a really interesting language to learn and is a lot more interesting than if we were to just learn HTML. Like Ali said in class today, it’s kind of like the long version of Indesign, rather than just moving things where you want and adjusting your text with the toolbar up top, you have to code all of that stuff in. So essentially, its like the long drawn out/super techy version of working in Indesign.

Looking at Google Fonts today in class, I found that there are actually a lot of great ones! A few that I like include Lato, Old Standard TT, Pacifico, Dancing Script, Great Vibes, and Poiret One. This is a great new tool for designing and its so simple to insert these typefaces into your code.

The coding examples that we did in class today were really helpful and I think it’d be really beneficial to do more like those. The one I’m talking about is the red page where we had to make our basic page look like the nice pretty one. It was good to try and figure out how to do things, and then if you got stuck, you could swing over to the other page and look for what you’re missing or where you went wrong. That seemed like it was more helpful than the book tutorials, because the book tutorial you read it and then just type what it says. But these, you had to try and figure it out on your own and search for things. I think it stuck in my brain more.


Posted by | Emily Gauger, Talent | No Comments

In class today with the technology presentations, I learned about a lot of really cool sites that I had no idea existed. They were all amazing! Especially the form follows function one, that was awesome.

For my talent, I signed up to research Greg Gibilisco. It was really cool researching him because I found out that he was from Omaha, Nebraska! I’ve lived in Omaha my entire life and it’s really inspiring to see someone of a relatively similar profession come from Nebraska and be so extremely successful. I can just think of how cool it would be to have a student from Omaha do a presentation and research on me someday (#goals). But anyways, Greg went to college in Pittsburg and now he’s the director of visual design and senior designer for MAYA which is a really neat company that focuses on human centered design.

For my page about Greg, I used the google fonts Old Standard TT and Lato.

Learn more about Greg here



Posted by | Emily Gauger, Technology | No Comments

I feel a lot better about coding after doing the tutorials in class. It’s super easy to understand when coming from the book. Although, if I was asked to do all that on my own without looking at the book, I don’t think I would be able to do that yet. There are a lot of new terms that I’ve learned in the past two weeks and a lot of html tags and I don’t have them completely memorized yet. But I’m excited to see how much I am able to do with coding at the end of this class! My goal is to be able to build my own personal website.

The technology that I was assigned to talk about was www.maya.com. When I first opened the page, a description of what they do was sitting right there. “We design products and services at the intersection of information, technology, and human experience.” What I took this to mean is that they are mainly focused on human centered design which just so happens to be my term. They are a design consultancy and technology research lab that focuses on visual design, engineering, and human sciences. So many different professions work there, graphic designers, interaction designers, game designers, design research, marketing, engineering, software design, experience design, and even more. They are creating this product called Interstacks that sound really awesome. I’ll elaborate on them in my presentation. Its a really cool website and sounds like a fun place to work. My presentation will go way more in depth about it. I don’t want to give all the fun details away now.

Maya’s website

My designed maya page


Posted by | Emily Gauger, Terms | No Comments

In class today I learned a lot of terms that I didn’t know before including php, ftp, and what it means to be dynamically generated. The big word of the day in class was a WYSIWYG which is the ‘indesign’ of webages. An example of this is DreamWeaver which I used for the first time in class today as well. It was actually fairly simple! I coded in HTML back around 7th grade, and to my surprise, as I started doing it again in class today, some of the information was coming back to me and it was a lot more simple than I had anticipated which was a relief.

We also chose our term that we will be researching. I chose “human centered design”. I did some quick research on it tonight and found out from http://hcdi.brunel.ac.uk/files/What%20is%20Human%20Centred%20Design.pdf that it “is based on the use of techniques which communicate, interact, empathise and stimulate the people involved, obtaining an understanding of their needs, desires and experiences which often transcends that which the people themselves actually realised.” I think its really interesting, I like the idea of including viewers in the experience with more than just site. I’ve begun typesetting my word with its definition and its looking a bit bland so I need to figure out a way to spice it up.

When I created my term and definitions, I made multiple variations that I couldn’t decide. I uploaded the whole document to box and the link below will bring you directly to the file.

Gauger Typeset Term



Posted by | Emily Gauger | No Comments

Coding. This word is really scary. While I am really excited to learn about code and how to code, I am really afraid that this won’t come easy to me. I definitely think it is important to know for future careers, and my dad, who is a computer programmer will be extremely excited to know this is what I am doing in class. He may be getting some phone calls asking for help.

Though on the first day, I have already learned how to navigate around WordPress on a basic level- how to make a post, a page, see other pages, create categories, etc. I also learned that CMS stands for Content Management System and does exactly what it is says, manages content on a website.

Overall, I am excited to learn everything and hope that it comes fairly easy.